Welcome to Hodgepodge Stuff
I have been an Ebayer for over a decade and have sold many different types of items, hence my business name Hodgepodge Stuff.
My job is to find homes for unwanted items or sparking a special memory from something that I might be selling. I especially love selling needlework/stitchery/craft type items, but am open to selling many different types of items.
If you have items you would like me to sell for you, I would be happy to. I also take donations. My goal is to keep treasured items from going to the landfill. Do you have items you know your loved ones won't appreciate when you are gone? Are you moving to a smaller home/apartment? I would love to make sure they find a good home. I would also love to have your story to tell along with the item. Thank you for your consideration.
Let me help you find homes for your treasures or unwanted items!
ID: Click here, to check out my auctions. They are always changing!
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